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IBM Announces New Preferred Cloud-Based Notebook Environments for Qiskit: Streamlining Quantum Development Workflows

IBM Announces New Preferred Cloud-Based Notebook Environments for Qiskit: Streamlining Quantum Development Workflows
IBM Announces New Preferred Cloud-Based Notebook Environments for Qiskit: Streamlining Quantum Development Workflows

Are you a developer or researcher delving into the exciting world of quantum computing with IBM’s Qiskit framework? This article explores IBM’s recent recommendations for cloud-based notebook environments, providing a smoother and more accessible development experience.

Strategic Shift Towards Cloud-Based Quantum Development

IBM’s endorsement of OVHcloud and qBraid as preferred notebook environments for Qiskit aligns with their strategic shift towards utility-scale quantum computation. This move emphasizes providing users with readily available cloud-based Jupyter notebooks pre-installed with Qiskit. This not only simplifies the setup process but also fosters the growth of the Qiskit ecosystem by offering convenient development environments.

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Getting Started with Recommended Cloud-Based Environments

The article dives into getting started with the two recommended platforms:

  • OVHcloud:

    • Leverage OVHcloud Public Cloud or OVHcloud Startup plans to access OVHcloud quantum notebooks. These notebooks seamlessly integrate Qiskit, enabling you to submit jobs directly to IBM Quantum hardware.
    • Steps to Set Up OVHcloud AI Notebooks:
      1. Visit the OVHcloud website and create a free account.
      2. Log in, navigate to the Public Cloud section, and select “Create an AI Notebook.”
      3. Click on “+ Create a notebook,” choose JupyterLab, select Qiskit, define privacy settings, and pick a datacenter location.
  • qBraid Lab:

    • qBraid, a prominent cloud platform for quantum software development, is another IBM-recommended option. Users working with Qiskit SDK versions 1.0 and 1.1 can effortlessly migrate their projects to qBraid’s pre-configured Python environments.
    • Steps to Set Up qBraid Lab:
      1. Visit the qBraid Lab website and create a free account.
      2. Log in, navigate to the Lab section, and click on “Start Machine” within the free tier.

Flexibility with Other Popular Notebook Environments

The article acknowledges that Qiskit can also be installed in other well-known notebook environments, including:

  • IBM Watson Studio
  • Google Colab
  • Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio

For each platform, general setup instructions are provided, empowering users with the flexibility to choose the environment that best suits their workflow and preferences.


This comprehensive guide empowers Qiskit users with a clear understanding of IBM’s recommended cloud-based notebook environments. By outlining the setup processes for OVHcloud, qBraid Lab, and other popular options, this article equips developers with the knowledge to select the most suitable platform and streamline their quantum development experience.


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