Home News Hong Kong’s iBond Series Delivers Stable 2.00% Interest Rate for Sixth Payment...

Hong Kong’s iBond Series Delivers Stable 2.00% Interest Rate for Sixth Payment in 2024

Hong Kong's iBond Series Delivers Stable 2.00% Interest Rate for Sixth Payment in 2024
Hong Kong's iBond Series Delivers Stable 2.00% Interest Rate for Sixth Payment in 2024

Retail investors in Hong Kong can rejoice! The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has announced a 2.00% per annum interest rate for the sixth interest payment of the iBond Series due in 2024 (Issue Number 03GB2406R, Stock Code: 4246). This reinforces the iBond’s reputation as a secure and reliable investment option.

Key Points:

  • Interest Payment Date: June 24, 2024 (originally June 23rd, rescheduled due to non-business day)
  • Interest Rate: 2.00% per annum (higher of prevailing Floating Rate and Fixed Rate)
  • Floating Rate Calculation: Based on year-on-year changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from November 2023 to April 2024 (average: 1.98%)
  • Fixed Rate: 2.00%
  • Significance: Provides competitive returns for investors, reflects government commitment to secure investments, promotes transparency and predictability in financial markets

Explanation of iBond Series:

  • Part of the Hong Kong Government’s Retail Bond Issuance Programme
  • Offers a safe and stable investment option for retail investors
  • Provides regular interest payments

Benefits for Investors:

  • Consistent and predictable returns
  • Low risk of investment compared to stocks
  • Secure investment backed by the Hong Kong government

Target Audience:

  • Retail investors in Hong Kong seeking secure investments
  • Individuals interested in government bonds

Additional Information:


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