Here is The Latest and Updated list of Most Expensive Google AdWords (Keywords) 2022.
Expensive Keywords in Google – Google Keywords are some specific words that people usually search on Google, for interest and other activities through web pages. We used keywords to get specific visitors which are called ‘Traffic’ on our website. Not all keywords have the same price in Google, there is CPC Which means cost per click, they are the most expensive keywords in Google.
Expensive Keywords in Google are the most paid keywords in Google Adsense. This is the list of AdWords, the cost of google keywords in 2022.
1. Insurance – $54.93
2. Mortgage – $47.12
3. Attorney – $47.8
4. Claim – $45.53
5. Loan – $44.30
6. Claim – $45.51
7. Lawyer – $42.51
8. Donate – $42.03
9. Recovery – $42.04
10. Gas & Electricity – $54.76
Is the most expensive keyword in 2022, and the Google AdWords keyword category, with the highest volumes and cost, the word represents ‘Business’. Companies that usually run businesses, especially online, pay Google a large amount of money for advertisement.
Other Expensive Google AdWords
● Conference Call – $42.05
● Trading – $33.20
● Software – $35.29
● Transfer – $29.95
● Rehab – $33.76
● Treatment – $37.89
● Cord Blood – $27.56
● Glasses – $35.08
● Degree – $40.67
● Hosting – $31.98
Tips For Using Google AdWords
Before posting on your website, ensure you have checked the title keywords. For example, if you want to post about Creating A Website. Try to add some expensive keywords in your title like, How To Create A Website With Hosting, Create A Website With Free Hosting Services, Best Hosting Services For Your Website. Also, you can track what people mostly search on google before choosing a title.
Goto SemRush and search for a keyword you want to post about it. SemRush is a website that will help you rank #1 in Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex search results.
I want to post about Deleting A Facebook Page,
I will just search ‘How to delete Facebook page’
All the results about the keyword will appear, Keyword volume, CPC, Keywords trends, and
related keywords.
Advice: Always select the United States as the targeted country.
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