Home Biography Full Biography Of Courageous Faith

Full Biography Of Courageous Faith


Here is Full Biography Of Courageous Faith, Read More About Her Life and Career With Alot Of Information You Will Surely Love To Know About Her.


Biography Of Courageous Faith  

Nkenna Faith also known as Courageous Faith is a Nigerian gospel songstress. She hails from Umuahia in Abia State.

A teacher, Fashion designer and a creative cook with her own special-developed recipes.

As a child, Nkenna Faith loved singing in every situation. This was evident as she grew up being a part of different choirs in different denominations until God called her out of tent of gathering into a personal walk with HIM.

This personal call led her into the Holy Ghost School of LaFAMCALL End Time Ministries where she learnt how to engage in covenant time with God. She also got divine revelations and inspirations to write songs and books. One of the books “Submission God’s Command” is coming out soon.

She has been faced with a lot of near death experiences, afflictions, challenges and trials but in all of these, God has been faithful and made her a conqueror. This can be seen in the songs she writes. Her songs are birthed from place of experiencing God’s faithfulness.

Her love and dedication to God made her so connected to His will so much that anytime she went out of His will/plan, she gets disappointed hence her vow to forever remain and dwell in His will.Biography Of Courageous Faith


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