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FOREX: Important Things to Know About Cryptocurrency and The main Rules of Cryptocurrency Market

FOREX: Important Things to Know About Cryptocurrency and The main Rules of Cryptocurrency Market
FOREX: Important Things to Know About Cryptocurrency and The main Rules of Cryptocurrency Market

World investors are heavenly relied on crypto, Indeed it’s important to know investment in the world market is more on Crypto.

Before we start, take a look at the popular Quote below:

Popular Quote of Cryptocurrency Markets Investors

before setting goals in the crypto currency business, first let’s go through some

common misconceptions around crypto currency.


I frankly admit that I also almost got infected with skepticism towards

crypto currency at the beginning of my journey, as many people scared me by

telling me that crypto currency is a wildcat venture, financial pyramid, or the

like. Such false beliefs often fence many people off from possible success. Only

a small number of sticklers verify such statements about crypto currency instead

of just blindly believing them.

I am sure that you have also heard allegations that no country will ever recognize

crypto currency so crypto currency has no future. To refute this, it is enough to

recall the recent increase in the value of crypto currency. Some countries have

already recognized crypto currency as means of payment. Thus, this so-called

“entertainment for geeks” has evolved into very real business for investment

bankers and various corporations.

Therefore, if you, personally, still do not earn money in crypto currency, it is

most likely because of the large number of the aforementioned statements, which

you may have heard from pseudo-experts.

Let’s enumerate the statements that stop many people halfway:

1. It’s too risky. What if I invest money and crypto currency is banned

worldwide the next day?

2. I do not have any financial education so I wouldn’t know what I

was doing;

3. My friend/brother/neighbor invested money in crypto currency and

lost everything;

4. The topic of crypto currency is too new and difficult to understand

as it is so I’d better wait a couple of years when everything

becomes clear.

All these statements are merely excuses for your inaction. While you come up

with additional excuses, people all over the world have already built a business

in the crypto currency market and are making a profit. Ask yourself: what makes

me worse than these people? If you realize that you are not worse than your

friend/brother/neighbor, who already earns money in the crypto currency market,

then ask yourself the following question: why should I enter the world of

crypto currency business right now?


So I will answer this question point by point. Each of the arguments will begin

with the words right nowso that you better understand why you should do this

right now.

First, right now there is very little competition in the market. Are you surprised?

It’s true. Yes, the interest in this topic constantly grows, but in general, the

competition is still very low. This market is still quite “wild” and unmetered.

The reason for this is that most people tend not to trust new trends and ventures,

as we have already mentioned above.

Second, right now you can reap high returns on this market. Crypto currency

prices are at the stage of growth and development, but even so, you can earn a

decent sum of money. As long as you manage your risks wisely, you can make

profits in time.

Third, right now there are a lot of freeloaders in the market. They come to the

cryptocurrency market to make a quick buck without delving into the subject.

Usually, such people come from the pyramid schemes led by so-called “experts”

who teach people without having any real experience in the topic themselves. I

must admit that the market encouraged such people in the beginning, when they

had a chance to make lots of money then. However, nowadays, if you want to

achieve something like this in the cryptocurrency market, you will have to make

real efforts.

Fourth, right now there are low risks in the market. Five years ago, most people

waited for the day when crypto currency would be officially banned. These days,

many countries around the world have already recognized the relevance of

crypto currency. Crypto currency has gained such momentum that no one can

simply press the stop button now. Do you really think that this fact does not

prove you can invest your money without fear of various prohibitions and


Finally, before moving on to the rules of the game in the crypto currency market,

I suggest considering the future of crypto currency through the example of the

Tesla company. Currently, the cost of a Tesla is estimated in the amount that,

according to the expert forecasts, it will not be able to make back its expense in

300 years. Why do smart experts rate Teslas so highly then? Let’s puzzle it out.

These days, an electric car is beautiful and stylish but expensive and not a very

practical vehicle. However, experts are not concerned about today. They

visualize a future that can become a reality in 20 or 30 years. It is difficult to

imagine in years to come the ordinary cars we see daily in the streets now. You

may imagine your old beloved car in the future, but personally, I picture some

kind of semi-flying vehicles with solar panels or something even more

sophisticated. Therefore, it is the electric vehicle that will have a bright and

successful future, and Tesla is likely to occupy a leading position in the market.

It turns out that, by and large, no one knows for certain whether Tesla will hold

its position in the market for the next 20-30 years. However, many people

strongly believe it will, and this belief makes them invest in the company.

Therefore, personally, I can easily believe that Tesla will hold a monopoly in the

entire automotive manufacturing sector in 20 years.

How is this example linked to the future of crypto currency? Nowadays, some

people view crypto currency (like an electric vehicle) as meaningless – a

fashionable, interesting and technically curious trend. But a trend, nonetheless.

However, this tiny drop now is likely to grow into a large dominant sea in the



Before breaking new ground, real professionals learn the rules of the game and

set goals, determining what kind of result they want to achieve. Since we are

professionals, we will first deal with this task.

The following points must surely be among the crypto currency trading goals you

will set for yourself:

define the specific sum of money or percent of your income you

will invest monthly in the area of crypto currency;

define the degree of your readiness for risks;

define your specific goals in the short and long-term.

Having set the goals, it is important to understand what is needed for a

successful and fast startup in the crypto currency market. You will be surprised,

but the theory is the least important thing in this field. Many people say they lack

the information and knowledge for doing this type of business. However, most

of the strategies I will tell you about do not require deep knowledge of the

crypto currency business world. It will be enough for you to have a grip on basic

principles of the crypto currency economy.

Then what’s the problem? You need practice. Only practice, not a book (not even

mine), will help you to understand where to buy, where to sell, how to store, and

how to transfer crypto currency.

You will also need:

Several ready-made strategies with low risk to enter the market

Ability to filter content and information around you

Communication with more experienced traders of the

crypto currency market and “spying” on their actions

Risk management

An audit from an experienced curator.

And now we proceed to the statement you must remember once and for all:

making any investment in the crypto currency market IS A RISK. If you are not

ready to accept this, don’t bother trying. Any opinion or forecast for the

development of a particular coin, the reliability of ICO (this will be discussed

later) is only a biased stance. There is not a single person across the globe who

could give you an iron-clad guarantee for further developments. There are

absolutely no right decisions and 100% guarantees. I or someone else can only

give you a piece of advice, not guarantees.

You are the only person to bear responsibility for each decision. You should not

subsequently blame an online resource, where you read about the prospects of

some currency, or a friend who recommended you a reliable ICO, or even me for

your possible financial losses! I, as the author of this book, will share my

thoughts about reliable crypto currencies with you. However, this will be just my

subjective opinion, again, only at this very moment. Therefore, if you are up to

the task of blaming others for your possible failures, not yourself, you’d better

close this book immediately and waste no time.

The cryptocurrency market is alive and constantly changing. Therefore, when

dealing with crypto currency trading, one must learn to take personal

responsibility for making decisions and always remember that no gains can be

made without taking risks. Yes, there are less risky strategies, but risks exist in

any case. Invest just the sum you are willing to lose without much regret.

And right now, lay the book aside and write down the two rules you should

never break:

1. Do not invest to the last penny.

2. Have a stash of cash to take advantage of opportunities.

And finally, beginners should learn several safety points:

When trading on the exchange, protect your account with twofactor authentication and keep your code name private.

Your password should have at least 26 characters; a special

password generator may help you come up with one.

Never keep all your money on one exchange or in one wallet.

Trade only on tried-and-true exchanges.

Do not use public access points to trade in the crypto currency



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